ARC Continuum Wiki

This entry is part of the lore for Arc Continuum..

Lore[ | ]

Taraan is a desert planet born out of chaos on the outer reaches of the known universe, unique for a raw, powerful energy source at its core – Kalatrium, which resonates at the same frequency throughout the multiverse. This energy source is the cradle of Taraanian civilization. For eons, the people of Taraan lived in darkness, until the source revealed itself and the people managed to transform this energy source into light. As society flourished, a select group of people noticed the curious effect this substance had on time and a full scientific inquiry was launched. For years, the scientists could not crack the code of Kalatrium’s structure. It remained a startling mystery they craved to solve, until one woman – Zara – transformed this energy and created the ARC.

The people of Taraan built a great cult around Zara, who would become queen and rule the ancient world, manipulating time and seeming to defy it herself. Get a greater taste of the mythos of this tale, by checking out the video below:
